Meeting Meltdown

Magic car filled with colorful creatures

Manlo has been a chapter member for three years.

Last night was the June chapter meeting.

This year’s board was committed to communicating better with members.

  • They created a timed agenda for the meeting.

  • They sent it out a solid week in advance.

  • They included a relevant educational talk.

The agenda was supposed to be a “power tool” to get members more excited about attending.

It didn’t work with Manlo.

It was a crazy week at work – and Manlo came home tired.

He would have to leave his comfy couch to attend the chapter meeting.

Debating whether or not he wanted to make the effort, Manlo pulled up the meeting agenda.

The answer was very clear.

There was little reason for Manlo to make the effort to attend.


When Manlo took a look at the agenda, he realized he had already attended the meeting – at least twice before!

He would rather watch reruns of his favorite show – rather than hit up that meeting again!

He already attended the meeting last year – and the year before!

  • Same content.
  • Same discussions.
  • Same training.

Sure, he would like to see his friends, but there wasn’t a social hour.

Plus, talking was discouraged during the meeting.

Give up an evening on the couch filled with food and his favorite show for that? No way!

Manlo was thankful the board sent out the detailed agenda.

He would have been really bummed if he wasted time by showing up.

How do you keep your meetings fresh, fun and fabulous – so members love to attend them?

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